Examine the words in the Dictionary list, selecting and deleting the ones that are misspelled. The solution is to add those words to the custom dictionary. Word displays a dialog box that shows the words in the custom dictionary. In the Customize the Ribbon window, select New Tab. This article describes how to add a custom dictionary to Word. Custom tabs and groups have (Custom) after the name in the Customize the Ribbon window, but the word (Custom) does not appear in the ribbon. A custom dictionary allows you to supplement the main dictionary with additional words, such as names, specialized technical terms, foreign words or alternative spelling of some words. About … icon-addNote android4 Answer apple4 icon-appStoreEN icon-appStoreES icon-appStorePT icon-appStoreRU Imported Layers Copy 7 icon-arrow-spined icon-ask icon-attention icon-bubble-blue icon-bubble-red ButtonError ButtonLoader ButtonOk icon-cake icon-camera icon-card-add icon-card-calendar icon-card-remove icon-card-sort chrome-extension-ru chrome-extension-es-mx chrome-extension-pt-br chrome-extension-ru comment comment icon-cop-cut icon-cop-star Cross Dislike icon-editPen icon-entrance icon-errorBig facebook facebook-logo flag flag_vector icon-globe google-logo icon-googlePlayEN icon-googlePlayRU icon-greyLoader icon-cake Heart 4EB021E9-B441-4209-A542-9E882D3252DE Created with sketchtool. We all run across words that are spelled correctly, but that Word isn't aware of. Hi, Microsoft Word can use multiple custom dictionaries to check the spelling of your documents.