
How to hide columns in excel 2016
How to hide columns in excel 2016

how to hide columns in excel 2016

It means column A is selected though you don't see it. Drag your mouse pointer to the left until you see the border change its color.Now just drag the mouse pointer to the right to expand the hidden column A.Move the mouse cursor to the left until you see the double-sided arrow.Click on the header for column B to select it.

how to hide columns in excel 2016

How to unhide the first column by expanding it You go to the Home > Cells group, and click Format > Hide & Unhide > Unhide Columns.Although you cannot see it, cell A1 is now selected.Enter A1 in the Reference: field and click OK. Press F5 or navigate to Home > Find & Select > Go To….Though there is nothing before column A to select, we could select cell A1 to unhide the first column. How to unhide column A using the Go To option Pick one of the tricks below to unhide only the first column in your table. Unhiding columns in Excel may seem easy until you have several hidden columns but need to display only the left-most one. Or you can right-click the selection and choose Unhide from the context menu, or just press the Unhide columns shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + 0 How to unhide first column in Excel Go to the Home tab > Cells group, and click Format > Hide & Unhide > Unhide columns.For example, to show hidden column B, select columns A and C. Select the columns to the left and right of the column you want to unhide.If you have an Excel table where multiple columns are hidden and want to show only some of them, follow the steps below.

how to hide columns in excel 2016

How to show hidden columns that you select If you don't know VBA too well, feel free to explore its possibilities by reading our article How to insert and run macros.

how to hide columns in excel 2016

Click on a small triangle in the upper-left corner of your table to select the entire worksheet.Whether you have one or several hidden columns in your table, you can easily display them all at once using the Excel Unhide option. Show all hidden columns in Excel via Go To Special.Unhide the first column by expanding it.Unhide all columns automatically with VBA.In this post I'll share how to show hidden columns using the standard Excel Unhide option, a macro, the Go To Special functionality and Document Inspector. If you happen to work with Excel files where some columns are hidden, you may want to know how to unhide columns in Excel to view all data. It's possible to conceal some columns by using the Hide feature or by setting the column width to zero. The possibility to hide columns in Excel is really helpful. It will teach you to show all hidden columns or just the ones you select, how to unhide first column, and more. From this article, you'll learn how to unhide columns in Excel 2016 - 2007.

How to hide columns in excel 2016